Home of film and cinema producers
Simplify your film distribution process with our easy-to-use online services: effortlessly present, edit and distribute your DCPs and KDMs worldwide while ensuring cinema playback compatibility. Get started today and streamline your film distribution workflow.

The brand new release platform for film producer which make your life easier with all important services in one platform.
Present your movie in the www
Create your own movie website with ready-to-use templates in 3 simple steps. You'll be online in just a few minutes.
Cloud-based editing
Edit and optimize your DCP with an online based software version from easyDCP. Store your final movie files in the cloud.
Distribute and share your movie worldwide
Cloud-based sharing of trailers, festival and cinema DCPs and more with just one click. Manage different user accesses and rights.

The comprehensive web application for the management of feature releases, theaters and booking lists. Distribute any amount of KDMs in just one click.
Best price KDM delivery
Deliver your KDMs easy and comfortable starting from 50 Cent per KDM. KDM Studio works on all your devices.
Worldwide and 24/7
Deliver KDMs to any number of cinemas at any time, even in different time zones, with just one click automatically.
Integrated Certificate Database
You have access to the latest versions of the device certificates. KDM Studio synchronizes the integrated database on a daily basis.

With this free tool, you can effortlessly analyze and compare KDMs, DCPs/CPLs, and server certificates at the click of a button.
Simple upload
Upload your files via drag&drop to get an easily readable overview of the content of the file(s). Status messages indicate whether a KDM matches a CPL or a certificate. This is an indication of whether there may be problems with playback in the movie theater.

»I can't imagine KDM and booking management without KDM Studio. You can access from anywhere and generate KDMs online in minutes or even seconds on your mobile device.«
SharpImage (Business Partner | Co-Founder)
Karachi, Pakistan