Multiple KDM Mail delivery templates

Using multiple KDM Mail delivery templates in KDM Studio

Set up and prepare: 

  • Select System settings in Admin area
  • Go to the Email templates section

By default, the System Default template is always displayed here and is marked as Default template.

To create a new KDM Delivery Mail template:

  • Select the "+" button in the KDM Delivery Mail area.
  • The overlay "New KDM mail template" opens (This is a copy of the System Default template)
  • Change this to your liking (e.g., different appearance or alternative language)
  • Enter a name for the new template

After you have saved the new template, it appears in the list KDM Delivery Mail and can be used from now on.
Any number of templates can be set up. 

Change of Standard template:

  • Select the pencil in the line of the desired KDM Delivery Mail template
  • Mark the affected email templates as standard template for contacts without own template

You will now see the mark as Defualt template. From now on, this default template is used automatically for each recipient for which no individual KDM mail template has been assigned.


Use of Standard and individual assigned KDM Delivery Mail templates:

Maintenance of existing theater / screens
This is only necessary if you want to send a recipient a different than the default template 

  • Select Theater in main menu
  • Select your desired Theater / Screen
  • Open Edit KDM Contact
  • Here you find a new entry: KDM Mail Template
  • Select your prefered template you want to use for this contact

From this point on, this recipient receives its KDMs with this Mail Template